Saturday, October 29, 2016


     I  think the only thing I had going for me was that I could clearly see that it was a sunny fall day through the window.  Fortunately, when it was cloudy the day before yesterday,  I wasn't having any dimensional bleed over.  As I said before, I have experienced this phenomenom in the past to the point of becoming rather comfortable with it.  How ever, these instances have all been visual.  Meaning, I can SEE where they are.  Last spring I started to have auditory ones.  

     I became aware that I could here a party taking place, presumably in a neighboring yard... Faint music, lots of voices mummering, the occasional burst of laughter...   All in all it was very jovial, and even though I soon came to realize that it was happening whenever I went outside at night.  As in, every night.  As in all hours of the morning.  I'm not sure why but I consider this to simply be a hallucination.  It doesn't scare me and I find I can sometimes hear it during the day and not always at home.

     However (and you knew there would be one of these coming), I've been having a new sound that makes me feel as if I am being hunted down by it.  It is a very specific winter storm.  I can hear the wind rushing through the studio end of the house.  I know it's winter because the house sounds different when gusts blow through and the temperature is above freezing.  It is not a storm we've had yet.  And we might not ever have it... but it's happening somewhere within the pages of "now."  

     Why has this become the bane of my existance?  It's not random like the party noises, it is always exactly the same, and I can't SEE it.  It feels dimensional so I'm pretty fucking sure I'm closer to it than I should be.  And since I can't see it, I have no idea where the entrance is... meaning I could easily step through without meaning to and not be able to find my way back.  

     It's almost always a night thing and sometimes, like today, I wake up hearing it. When I wake up to it, it makes it harder for me to function properly during the rest of the day.  The meds are extremely key in this scenario.  And now that the rest of my med cocktail has disolved into the lime green magna soup running throughout the mixing board of my brain I have finally evened out to the point of being able to address it with words.  Elfie is outside running around in the yard.  I can see her.  And even if I could still hear the storm, her nonreactional behavior to it helps me to properly travel through the rest of the day with a true compass.  I'm going to post this and go out with her.

    Never let it be said that the right puppy isn't good for all that ails you!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


     I would like to start off this new adventure by saying I wanted the title of this maiden post to be the name of this blog.  Google, however, apparently had other ideas.  They don't like what they perceive to be "bad'' words.   So I compromised by naming it the diagnosis my family doctor gave me on a recent visit.  After all, it is the reason to start blogging again. 

      I seems that as long as the title of said blog fits into their comfort zone, I can use any words I choose.  Let's try it out, shall we?

Fuck, fuckity, fuck-fuck... 

     Yes, and I am STILL HERE!!

     OK, so since I've established my freedom of speech, I will fill you in on the "whys'' of these diagnosis'.  

     I'd have to say the hallucinations have to do with the "tree people."  Of course there's more going on then that but she really didn't need to hear more than that.

     The delusions have to do with my ability to detect how thin the line is between me and other dimensions.  Of couse, I've been aware of this since my buddy Skip and I had a close encounter with an alien craft if Kentucky in the early 90s, but I could see by the good docters expression that I probably shouldn't bring that up.  I also neglected to mention that since I had died earlier this year and was brought back to life, the dimension thing has become more frequent in that I can often hear what's going on over there which means I know I'm close enough to accidentally pass over since I can't SEE the entrances when I can only hear them. 

     The  mania comes from the fact that I had drunk a Monster energy drink on the way up there and so was talking and gestering at 3 time the normal speed, trying to get everything out before my time was up.
      So that's how this party started.   I am batshit crazy.  And I as this blog progresses and I fill you in on some back story as well as keeping you up to date on all the cool batshit stuff that will be coming my way, I have one thing to say:  Open those wine bottles and if you've got joints, light those bad boys up.

     I'm saying EVERYBODY is invited to this meltdown.  So let's get together soon!  

     And, oh, I forgot to mention the mutant nematode invasion that has infested our house...