Tuesday, July 10, 2018


     I'm sitting here listening to the sound of the keys as I'm typing them.  It's one of my "new sounds."  After a couple of weeks wearing my new hearing aides, I'm still amazed every night when I take them out at just how deaf I actually am.  And how lucky am I to have a wife who was so moved by all the sounds we couldn't share that she found a way to be able to afford them.  Every day is filled with new wonder, hearing so many things I couldn't until just recently.

     All of this is even more gracious considering the fact that this place is employing customer service that is rivaled only by Disney World. I've been back twice for service meetings to answer any questions I have as well as checking to making sure every thing is calibrated correctly.

My latest new sound is the sound of kneading Sculpty clay in my hands as this summer's project is learning how to sculpt little hands.  After they come out of the oven I've been stringing them onto a chain and wearing them around my neck.  By the end of the summer I will have so many on there that they will resemble big puka shells.

     So that's where I am at  the moment.  See ya Next Time!